Information for astronomers

This page contains links to areas of the network performance project website that astronomers may find relevant.

Performance testing

At the current time, the CADC is focused on user testing with astronomers to determine how transfer speeds of CADC data may be improved. If you wish to aid in our endeavours to improve your download speeds, running a network performance test gives us insight into the connection between you and the CADC.

If you wish to run a network performance test, you can:

Running one of these tests is simple, and should only take a few minutes! If you suffer from network performance problems, it is possible that the CADC can use the results of your test to work with you to determine the cause.

Network tuning

If you are not satisfied with your current performance, there are things that you can do to improve it. Below are some resources that may help you achieve optimum performance with your existing network:

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