Information for network administrators

This page contains links to areas of the network performance project website that network administrators may find relevant.

Performance testing

At the current time, the Canadian Astronomy Data Center is focused on user testing to determine how transfer speeds of CADC data may be improved. We hope to achieve this first by gaining metrics using our network performance testing tool, and then by collaboration with the network administrators at the institutions where our users reside.

If you wish to know more about the throughput between your site and the CADC, we encourage you to take our network performance test. It provides results, including a packet dump and BGP routing information, that can be used by you to accurately judge the state of this network path.

Network performance information

One of the goals of the network performance project is to make information available about the various problems that networks can run into performance wise. We hope that this information will be of use to you in fixing network problems or increasing network efficiency.

Machine performance

Network performance

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